J.H. Whitney

Investment Management

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J.H. Whitney


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Our core thesis for the firm and what we bring

To navigate today’s interconnected world, corporate and political entities require a deep understanding of the impact of geopolitical affairs and nation-state activities on global business operations, investments, and economic security. 

In this landscape of new challenges and threats, J.H. Whitney Investment Management believes in a central vision of providing cutting-edge analysis of geopolitical interests.

With an unwavering commitment to defending U.S. national security interests and assisting decision-makers in navigating the complex web of global risks, J.H. Whitney aims to act as the trusted partner for asset managers, institutional investors, corporate leaders, governments, and national security officials.

Investment Management

Direct investments in early-stage military and civilian technologies and advisory services associated with navigating nation-state competition in the economic domain.


Data Services

Provides custom indices and geopolitical risk mitigation analytics, including a quantitative representation of geopolitical exposure in the form of our Geostrategic Risk Rating. Click here for press commentary.



US says it could act against China firms, banks over Russian war support


The United States and other nations could take steps against Chnese firms and financial institutions over Beijing's backing for the Russian war against Ukraine, a top U.S. official said on Friday. The Biden administration has stepped up warnings about China's backing for Moscow and issued an executive order in December that threatened punitive measures against financial institutions helping Russia skirt Western sanctions.
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